Whatsapp Image 2022 06 16 At 10.33.27 (1)Whatsapp Image 2022 06 16 At 10.33.27 (1)Whatsapp Image 2022 06 16 At 10.33.27 (1)

31. July 2022

Aargauische Kantonalbank

Presenting partner at the Sports and Folk festival Wettingen

We accompany the Aargauische Kantonalbank as the presenting partner at the Sports and Folk Festival in Wettingen with an interactive 'Töggeli'* tournament, embodying the spirit of competition at the AKB stand amidst a white and blue backdrop.

As the bank of the people of Aargau (AKB), it is a matter of honor for Aargauische Kantonalbank to support the Wettingen Sports and Folk Festival as a presenting partner. And not only with a financial contribution, but also personally on site with a stand - fully present.

We provide support with the scenography and program, set-up and dismantling as well as supervision of the sponsoring stand. And we develop an interactive Töggeli tournament concept with ten main prizes to be won.


*the Swiss 'Töggeli' is the english 'Fussball', the table-football-game.

Whatsapp Image 2022 06 16 At 10.33.29 (1)

'Töggeli' tournament...

The AKB stand will continue the tournament concept and give visitors the opportunity to play against each other. And what better way to do this than with a Töggli tournament? Often found in leisure areas, the Töggli boxes are well known. Everyone knows the rules and can get straight into the game. They are inclusive and simply fun!

...in white and blue surroundings

There are three of them in the AKB tent. Two Töggeli boxes are designed for four people to play; one table is for six players. And they also provide a nice space for branding. The entire sponsoring stand is immersed in the AKB CI. A white, round tent roof stands over the blue-carpeted floor on which the three table football boxes are placed. Soft cushions in the shape of soccer balls are scattered around the tent and invite you to relax. Soft music plays from the loudspeakers.

AKB parasols provide shade on the lawn in front of the tent. Athletes and visitors settle down under them and enjoy the cheerful hustle and bustle. The winners of a Töggeli tournament take photos in front of the AKB photo wall, which they then upload to Instagram under the hashtag #TöggeliChallenge22. Ten of them will be drawn by lot and given a new pair of Air Pods.