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18. August 2023

Fasten your seatbelts, Badenfahrt is soon

Countdown and good reasons to look forward
- an informative service from F/E (the sequel).

We are all very excited. Because soon it will begin, the Badenfahrt. We're not just here to celebrate, no, we also want to continue to fulfill our educational mission. After a first comprehensive insight, we now present the latest news about the Badenfahrt and what you can look forward to - live and directly from the head office.

In the middle of the city, a second city is being built. Constructions made of wood, wood shavings or washing machines give a hint of the extraordinary. Diligent hands are carefully working on the well thought-out constructions, the event is taking shape: the Badenfahrt.

In a few days it goes off. Over 10 days it goes off. Fittingly, a list with 10 points around the Badenfahrt:


Currently, 325,000 liters of beer are being prepared for the Badenfahrt. Sounds like quite a bit, but considering the 38,000 liters consumed daily in 2017, hopefully it won't be tight.


Of course, the beer should be accompanied by sensible "Bödele". The hunt for food is best done in a duo or trio. As a group of four or more, it will be difficult to get a good seat in the pubs. Reservations are also hardly possible. Waldmanns Heil to you!


Reasonable fresh fare is available, for example, at the Beiz from the 0506 association, which is made up of the zip codes and committed people from the communities of Dättwil and Rütihof**. Canapés with popular toppings are served in the sustainable, reusable modular chalet, and only Swiss wine is served under specially planted vegetable decorations. (Because, of course, wine is a totally appropriate festive beverage!).

Transparency Notice:
Karin Renold's father Jürg belongs to the OC of the 0506. As a quasi in-house Badenfahrt insider, he enables us to gain these insights and provides us with valuable tips. So: A real insider address.


Sustainability is a big topic this year. Practically everything is sourced locally and regionally - and that also applies to participants and suppliers! The special spirit during the days and the joint creation of something big strengthens the feeling of togetherness. With your visit and ribbon you support this and are also part of it.


Do not say Badenerfahrt. Never. That's like ordering mustard for the bratwurst in St. Gallen. Badenerfahrt. Baden - drive. Practice!


In addition to beer and wine, it's also possible without booze. How about a workshop for young bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts? "Mixing cool drinks - without alcohol" will take place on August 19 and 26 at 1:30 and 3:00 p.m. at the Piazza Piante Children's and Youth World.


Tip 7 is an elegant segue to the overview of the sheer number of attractions and program points. The link of your choice:

Celebrities like Sina and Peach Weber, immersive light shows in the Bäderquartier or the Reformed Church, interactive historical retrospectives, magic shows, Klamauk-Theather, blues or breakdance ... browse and enjoy.


Without safe travel to and from the event, you wouldn't be there! That's why RVBW, PostBus and SBB will operate additional buses and trains. The last departures from Baden are always coordinated with the closing time of the festival. Abge-baden-fahren for everyone!


It all sounds so wonderful, doesn't it? It's no wonder that more and more people are making the trip to the tranquil town of Baden. The popularity of the festival is growing steadily and also makes it a bit of a victim of its success - lots and lots of people are expected. Therefore, once again the tip: Come during the week if possible. And preferably in pairs, as you already know since point 2).


The most important and dazzling address is of course also part of the informative service of F/E. You can find us here - and always: Rütistrasse 14, Baden

Badenfahrt – FE Ist Hier

We are at the end of the list and are about to start a great time. We have passed on our knowledge without giving too much away. We will keep our experiences to ourselves, because it has always been true: what happens in Baden, stays in Baden.


* Enough space and specially dressed BadenF/ehrt beer is here, with us.

** The two villages have belonged to Baden for tens of years, but they were the last to join. That's why, in keeping with the motto, they call themselves the NEO's of Baden.