Sustainable Switzerland ForumSustainable Switzerland ForumSustainable Switzerland Forum

01. October 2023

NZZ Connect

Safely navigate through successful events

Our event director has been indispensable at NZZ Connect events for years. But how exactly does he work, what happens backstage and why is this role so essential for successful events? We take a look behind, in front, under and around the scenes.

Samuel Röthlisberger has been working with NZZ Connect for more than a decade. The NZZ branch organizes numerous conferences every year at which well-known personalities from the worlds of business, politics, science and government debate current topics. Our event director Samuel knows how to bring dramaturgy to every event.


The event director's tasks

A event director writes the script and plans show acts and Q&As in a targeted manner.

For example, he knows exactly when and how the appearance of a Fasnacht-Banqueter fits into a series of presentations on health topics and which questions submitted by the audience via Slido voting platform should be discussed in the Q&A. He has a big say in the design of the main stage, whereby he always has the end product in mind as well as an eye for detail. One of the most important tasks of the event director is to get the timing right and achieve the desired effect: where and when will which content such as visuals, video clips, keynotes and entertainment moments take place?

To smooth the key dates of the event, our event director chooses the right jingle music, ensures that the speakers are correctly labeled and coordinates and carries out rehearsals - all long before the actual party starts. Then, on the day of the event, he holds the strings in his hands. He is assisted by our stage manager, who coordinates the construction and conversion of the stage set-up and gives the speakers the signal for their performance. He also ensures that they feel comfortable and safe in front of and behind the stage at all times in order to deliver a flawless performance on stage. The event director and stage manager work hand in hand, like perfectly coordinated cogwheels in the well-oiled event machinery.

You know how it is!

5 conferences with F/E background

Where else do we take care of event direction and stage management?

The Swiss Economic Forum is not only attended by leading figures of the worlds of business, science, politics and the media, but also by us: in directing, stage management and behind the camera.

The Swiss Innovation Forum is driving the Swiss innovation landscape forward - and we are right in the middle of it. As event director and stage manager, we build a stage for other creative minds.


FutureHealth Basel brings together selected national and international decision-makers to discuss healthcare topics. We take over the event direction and stage management and support speakers in successfully delivering their keynotes.

Future Health Basel

How can the economic and regulatory challenges of the real estate market be adequately addressed? The leading national real estate platform NZZ Real Estate Days provides strategies and develops solutions. We ensure that this know-how reaches industry representatives in full. How do we do this? By guiding them through the program as showcallers and creating a comfortable environment for the speakers backstage and on stage as stage managers.

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The Sustainable Switzerland Forum promotes dialog between business representatives on the topic of sustainability. Together they look for answers to the big environmental questions. As event director and stage manager, we create an environment for speakers in which they can pass on their message to thought leaders.

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of collaboration between Samuel Röthlisberger and NZZ Connect
