Designed to last a lifetime.
At F/E, we’re passionate about creating experiences that don’t just become a memory, but whose effects last as long as possible. And because we believe in our customers, they do last.
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Rapid digitization
Effective award event, that only knows winners
Secret recipe Event 2.0
Swiss Economic Forum in content and scene
Attractive marketing for AMAG Leasing
Continental corporate design
ID. Buzz - Cult object meets digital trend
Digital marketing that’s as hot as a Finnish sauna
The doors to the world
An art event for the 170th anniversary
A reputation is built on branding
A fresh look for fresh milk.
Shaping the future through digital channels
A sensation for the senses. To go
Strong acoustics heard worldwide
Digital marketing for Volkswagen Financial Services
Brand strategy and digital strategy as drivers of consolidation
Stories that change children’s lives.
The partner of a partner.
Branding for the pinnacle of exclusivity
Driving the brand forward on the internet superhighway
Sinking our teeth into marketing
Digital marketing, that rolls
A journey from online banner to showroom
SEAT is putting the pedal to the metal online.
A home for future and typo
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